We present before you a complete meal of beverages, appetizers, main courses & desserts. If that's not enough to whet your appetite, we'll also show you how to test your food and see what it really contains.
Learn about the blue pea dyes and tapioca starch that go into the colors and pearls of your favorite bubble tea. Measure its sugar level with a DIY hydrometer.
Molecular Gastronomy creates the hottest fads like culinary foam and spherical ravioli. Make your very own Mango Spheres and Faux Caviar from simple ingredients.
Is the weather too hot? Make your own ice cream from good 'ol ice, cream, milk & salt. Bonus goodies include your own magic mug cake & rock candy.
You don't only test food with your tongue, but also with your hands. Make your own pH indicator with cabbage juice, and model how food travels through your body.